The Assassin’s Series – A Review

Hello, Everybody!

As I mentioned before, this year, I’m dedicating plenty of my readings to Sci-Fi and Fantasy. So, these choices led me to different writers. I’m not picky when it comes to these genres (Adult or YA) as long as it has a good story, fast-paced, mystical elements, and some humour. Recently, I read “Crescent City” by Sarah J. Maas, which I enjoyed so much that I decided to read her Assassin’s saga.

No regrets! I wished I had read it sooner (I’m on the third book). I’m confident enough to do a review of my first impressions (I’ll try not to give spoilers). Here we go:

71zap8mcatlThrone of Glass (Book 1) – we meet Celaena Sardothien. An 18-year old fearless assassin who is a prisoner in Eidovier, one of the slaves’ prison for the Adarlan Kingdom until the Crown Prince Dorian offers her a deal: her freedom in exchange for she compete in a championship for the King’s Champion and personal Royal Assassin. Since she can’t bear to be hurt and beaten in prison, Celaena accepts the terms as a chance of a lifetime. She is about to find out a lot is going on in the Glass Castle.

Dorian came with his friend and Captain of Royal Guard, Chaol Westfall. Here, an inevitable love triangle starts to form. However, I love the idea of a stubborn girl and a fascinated prince (even if it means cliche – it reminded me of The Vampire Diaries). Romance isn’t the purpose of the story; Magic is the core. As the competition goes on, Celaena discovers some weird activities happening in the Glass Castle in addition to the murders. The King was responsible for baning magic ten years ago. Soon, she’ll find out there is a mysterious source working to make Adarlan’s King more powerful. Maybe Magic is not dead as everybody thought.

51hnvhpegl._sy344_bo1204203200_Crown of Midnight (Book 2) – in this story, we get deeper into the mysteries and the ancient magic around the castle. Celaena has to face the importance of magic for many communities, including her friend’s kingdom. Nemenia tries to open Celaena’s eyes and mind to fight against the King, but challenge Adarlan can be dangerous.


What I like in the story and universe created by Sarah is the ability to develop mysteries and characters that convince you from the start of whether to like or hate them. Our little triangle has very distinguished about their personalities. I enjoy the fact that Crown Prince is not a spoiled brat. Chaol, on the other hand, generates mixed feelings regarding his loyalty to the King and the discovering about their friend’s secrets.

The fast-paced of the books, the character development, and the page-turning dynamic make this saga a winner.

I recommend the series even before finish it!

Rating: gold-stargold-stargold-stargold-star


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